Baby Makes Five


Sunday, January 25

Baby blues

Last night, I was having contractions that began at about 10 mins. apart. and continued until they were about 7-8 mins. apart. For the most part, I didn't want to get excited or even post anything about it, because I've had that false alarm before; still I began to get a little hopeful... will tonight be the night?...will I be holding my new little person at this time two days from now?...

Needless to say, they dwindled off once again, and are non-existent at this point. : ( I can't explain how it makes me feel, I can't quite put my finger on it. I just know that everytime I try to put the impending labor out of my mind for a bit to make time go a little faster, something happens that makes me question every little pain I feel and it makes the days SOOOOO much longer.

I know it sounds so petty to everyone else because it's like Hello, you've waited THIS long, how bad can a few more days be? Logically, I know this. Emotionally, I can't seem to grasp it.

Baby- please, please get here soon!


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