Baby Makes Five


Monday, March 21

Birthday Boy

I haven't blogged for a while because we were in the process of moving, and it took quite longer than I anticipated to get everything in running order (internet etc) So, I'll be playing a little bit of catch up on this post.

Justin, my little angel is now one year and two months old. On his first birthday, he had an awful cold, but still managed to smile for pictures. He had a Teletubbies cake, or rather two for smashing and one for eating. He sure had fun with those. Earlier that day, when I was busy wrapping his gifts, Justin decided that he would continue with family tradition, and take his first steps on his birthday. Just like his momma and his big sister did.

During the begining stages, Justin would take a few steps and when he fell he would just continue on crawling. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that he decided he'd had enough of crawling and began to stand back up if he fell after taking some steps. Now he walks all over the place. I just follow him around holding my breath each time he takes a shaky step. There have been a couple of bumps and bruises already. He just seems to have no fear, this little guy.

Justin's favorite, and pretty much only word at this point is HI. Only it's HI? with a question mark. He "asks" everyone "Hi?" and other slight variations of the word like "Hi-sh?" (you've got to be there, I guess) I'll try to get an audio clip of him saying this just so that I could have it forever.

It is so bittersweet seeing him grow and learning new things. The hugs get shorter as he is anxious to run out of my arms. He is no longer content just sitting in his exersaucer and watching me go on about. He wants to GO! GO! GO! But then it is so wonderful to see as he learns and remembers things like blowing on feathers to watch them fly, and pointing to the kittycats on my pjs when I say MEOW!

Spring time is just around the corner and I can't wait to be able to take him out for walks to the playground. There is yet so much for him us to discover.


At 9:49 PM , Blogger christinelovestotravel said...

Awww, thats so cute!

At 3:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » » »


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