Baby Makes Five


Tuesday, April 26

Let the screeching begin!

That's the new thing round here. SCREECHING. Loudly. In public, even. I need to post an audioblog of him soon because the sounds. Oh my. I need to share them.

Other things

Recently I took Justin and the girls for a walk to the nearby playground so the girls could rollerblade and I could let Justin roam around in the grass. Bad idea. He came home and was covered in a bumpy rash. I'm almost 100 percent sure it was an allergic reaction to the grass he was playing in. It's almost gone now, but you can still see little marks on his legs.

He's running. Still nursing at night and during naptimes. Not a big eater, I'm getting concerned. He doesn't eat enough of the food I put out for him. Most of it ends up on the floor or on the tray as fingerpaint. I'm really not sure what to do about it. He seems to have a bigger appetite at night time, right before he should be sleeping. For the most part I've been encouraging his late night appetite because I figure this is the only time I can get him to eat, but I'm starting to realize that it's not helping him get to sleep at a decent hour.
That's another thing, he's a LIGHT sleeper. He wakes up at the slightest noise and is ready to play. I need to work a few of these kinks out. I'm beginning to wonder how I did it with the girls! It's like I've blanked it all out.
I'm out. I hear sir-screechs-alot calling.


At 5:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Boy, Eli, wouldn't eat regular food either because he was very content with Mummy's milk and cream, thank you very much!!! Despite offering him food, Eli didn't really eat until he was almost 13 months old, nearly a month after he stopped taking my milk - he lived on bottles of soy milk - it freaked me out! But one morning I sat down to a delicious feed of bacon and eggs, with Eli right beside me in his chair, and he started getting excited and reaching for my plate. I fed him mouthful after mouthful, and my husband dashed off to cook more when the "mmmm's" kept coming from our eager little guy. We never looked back - Eli continued to eat from mine or Daddy's plate at every meal, and after a little while we made a big deal about his own plate and spoon and FOOD! I promptly cut back on his milk intake, and this naturally increased his desire for more food. He's now the best, most "unfussiest" eater I've ever known, AND he loves his greens!! Yay!... Your boy is very cute, and it was great reading your journaling. You've inspired me to get back to my own, after a bit of a slack period... Best wishes, Naomi

At 3:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... »


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