Baby Makes Five


Saturday, March 27

I HAD to have that coffee yesterday, didn't I?

Last night wasn't such a good night for Yummy. He was fussy all night and kept looking for more milk than I had left, so he was frustrated a lot. I didn't want to give him more water, because I had already given him the two ounces earlier. He just didn't get much sleep the poor little thing. Thankfully, this morning I guess from yesterday's whole supply and demand crisis, I was engorged and able to feed him plenty before he was full and knocked out in my arms. At least now he will be able to get some rest. (which is what he is now doing)

Amanda is going to her friend's house for a sleep over and Joey and I are thinking that we might do something tonight. Not sure what though, cause movies are definitely out of the question. I bet he would sleep through a whole movie too, if I had him in the snuggly, but I just don't want to take the chance and spoil the movie for everyone else.

I've been insatiably hungry lately. I don't know what it is. According to my scale I haven't gained anything, but I do eat/snack ALOT. I'm always craving sweet/salty/crunchy stuff. All the stuff that's bad for me ofcourse. I guess it's the breastfeeding.
Anyway, I hear the baby fussing right now, better check on him.


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