Baby Makes Five


Saturday, May 15

Justin update

So far, no tooth in sight. He still loves to "chew" on his fists (or mine if they are anywhere near his mouth!)
Justin is officially wearing 6-9 mos. clothing. So many of his clothes that were labeled 0-3 mos. and 3-6 mos. don't fit him at all. Good thing I went through all his new big boy clothes and realized he could start wearing them now. We went overboard with the clothes, too. There are so many adorable outfits that still have tags on them that he won't be able to wear! Most of his clothes will only get one or two days worth of use before they won't fit him anymore either. There aren't enough days :( I've been finding any excuse to change him into new outfits- ooh he spit up...gotta change him, diaper change...time for a new outfit! And pictures, they always give me a good excuse to dress him up. I'm having too much fun.
His wobbly head gets steadier every day. He absolutely hates tummy time and gets frustrated very quickly with it, but I keep trying every day for at least five minutes. As far as rolling over, he hasn't been doing much of that lately. All in good time. His next appt. is scheduled for June 2 I can't wait to see how much he's gained this time!

my sunshiney baby


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