Baby Makes Five


Friday, April 30

Sometimes, when I look at him, the love just oozes out of me

If it meant that my son would be guaranteed happiness throughout his life, I would jump in front of a mack truck right now. You say I need to have my nails ripped out of my fingers in order to ensure he never know the pain of heartbreak? Sign me up. I look at him and his little chicken nugget feeties and I want to eat him. Seriously. I want to dip his little feet in barbecue sauce and eat them. His little belly, the way it goes up and down when he sleeps peacefully- *sigh I just melt looking at him. Don't even get me started talking about his yummy breath. I want to live inside his little mouth. And that's just while he sleeping. Because ohmygod the smiles that he gives me! With those dimples. Those dimples are just too much.
When did this all happen? and how? I've never ever loved a little person so much in my life. Children have this magical power over parents that is inexplicable. You meet them for the very first time and you would do anything for them. Even though I've been through this twice with my girls it still amazes me how much love I have left to give. When I was pregnant, I would sometimes think to myself "will I be able to love this baby as much as I love my girls? Is it possible to have any love left after all that lovin I do?" And the answer is YES. There is always more where love came from.
mommy and Justin