Baby Makes Five


Tuesday, June 1

Mr. Sunshine E. Happyface

Is doing all sorts of new things lately. We just got back from visiting the grandparents in NYC and he was showing off all his new skills. As soon as we got there, my mother in law started whispering in his ear saying silly stuff like how she was going to kidnap him and keep him all for herself, he sat there quietly listening to her, and all of a sudden starts trying to mimic her whispering. It was the cutest thing, he was all whispery and stuff. Not really sure how to describe that sort of thing, you had to be there I guess. But it was damn cute. And genius no doubt.

And continuing the show-offy pattern (interestingly, seeming to only want to impress grandma) my mother in law had a tickle in her throat at one point and started coughing. Mr. Sunshine was intently watching his grandma, and wouldn't ya know it- started "coughing" too! More cuteness. More genius. It was adorable seeing him try out all the noises he knew how to make until one that sounded like a cough was produced, then he would smile, all proud of himself.

At home now, he tries to sit himself up when I lay him down somewhere. He tilts his little head forward all the way and you can see his tiny abs scrunching trying so hard to sit up. Of course he can't do it yet, but he tries. He is a pro at putting on and taking off his own pacifier now, and almost pulling the bedding off of his crib, however. Which means, I will soon be removing EVERYTHING and leaving him in there with only the fitted sheet. There hasn't been much sleeping going on in the crib as I can't bear to put him in it at night. Yes, it is only inches away from the bed, but it could be a whole block away as far as I'm concerned. I love sleeping with him and feeling him find a comfy spot on my breast as he tries to fall asleep.

Needless to say, the grandmas think that I will someday pay dearly for doing this, spoiling him rotten forevermore. He will NEVER sleep alone and won't know how to comfort himself to sleep. Joey and I will NEVER have the bed to ourselves again. The way I see it, they grow up entirely too quickly and if he is still sleeping in my bed when he's 20, then maybe I'll think about working out other arrangements. Notice, I said *maybe*.

Tomorrow, Justin has a doctor's appointment and for the life of me, I can't say "doctor" without getting a sick feeling in my stomach when I think of the fact that they will be poking and prodding my little ball of sunshine tomorrow. I HATE THAT PART. Please dear God don't make my son smile at me right before he gets his shots. Let him be cranky. Cranky works. At least I won't feel like an ogre for making him go from smiling to screaming. I have that image in my head- he looks at me as if to say "You brought me here, you KNEW they would do this to me and you still brought me here! How could you mommy?" Oh for heaven's sake the guilt. That whole "it's for his own good" line is spreading itself thin these days. If only I could keep him in a bubble. Away from all the bad things. Or maybe a big bubble, one that I could fit into also. Then life would be grand. Just me and my baby in our own little bubble world! I kid, I kid!