Baby Makes Five


Saturday, February 28

we call him "YUMMY"


I have to admit- so far, having Justin home has been such a pleasant and relatively easy experience. Yes, there are nights when I lose some sleep, but nothing that I haven't been able to handle. I remember the girls being much tougher, then again, I was much younger and I had them back to back so I had two little ones at the same time.

I was prepared for the worst this time around, and I'm so happy that it's been going so smoothly. I know that just the mere fact that I'm writing this means I better get prepared for weeks and weeks of no sleep and tons of fussiness. But I do feel so lucky. He is such an angel. We call him YUMMY :)

Wednesday, February 25

Daddy was off today, and it was a beautiful sunny day so we decided to take Justin out for a drive. We went all the way to Watkins Glenn and he was such a little angel. By the time we were getting back, he finally woke up and was letting me know he was getting hungry. We got some Chinese takeout and came home. It was really nice considering I've only slept about 3 hours. I'm glad we went out, the sun works wonders on my mood! I can't wait until spring.

Tuesday, February 24

Mooove over dairy!

Day two of cutting out dairy from my diet and Justin is back to his pleasant and mellow self again. I didn't know that what I ate could affect my little guy so much, and so quickly. I'm glad I've figured out what helps. Of course, now I could kill for some ice cream...oh well.

Monday, February 23

50% of my heart...

Right here.
Melissa and Justin

Thursday, February 19

it will always feel like just yesterday

Being pregnant and uncomfortable is rapidly becoming a fuzzy memory. It was only 19 days ago that he was still in my tummy...kicking around and hiccuping. Only 19 days ago, that I sat in a hospital room with my husband wondering when they would send me home, surely I couldn't really be in labor. This was too easy to be real.

But those contractions wouldn't go away. We didn't even want to call anyone to tell them we were at the hospital because we were so sure we would be going home as soon as they examined me. Surprise surprise, I was already 6 cm! The birth of my boy... my little man turned out to be the easiest labor ever. The quickest too. I went in at 8am and had a baby by 3:42 that afternoon.

I remember the Dr. telling me to push through the burning, and wondering to myself "what burning?" I couldn't believe how big he turned out to be considering what little pain he caused me. And then we all cried. Me, Joe, Amanda and Melissa...all crying tears of joy. I was so impressed with my girls that they were so young, and so touched.
The world stopped when I had my baby. I felt like I was dreaming when I felt his little warm wet body on my chest. When I felt his little face looking for any tiny patch of bare skin to lay his little head on. It is a beautiful thing. I feel so grateful and blessed.

I wish I had a shrink box :(

Tuesday, February 17


Justin took his first big boy bath with mommy yesterday and it was wonderful! I thought for sure he would start screaming bloody murder as soon as his little body hit the water, but it had just the opposite effect, he LOVED it. He calmed down immediately (didn't like the undressing part too much) and took a looong nap afterwards. I'm so glad he likes it. Water always soothes me, and I'm happy that it does the same for him.

Monday, February 16

It's official...

Justin can now take a bath! His belly button fell off last night - inny ; )

Other news... my new Gevalia order came in today. mmm Mocha Chocolatte ya, ya. It worked out pretty well too, because I am so beat today. Justin has barely slept all night/day -whatever it's doing outside currently. I have him on the swing right now and silly me, instead of catching a few winks, I'm here typing this. But it's all good, I know how it goes anyway, the minute I even THINK about laying down, he starts doing the fussy dance!

Saturday, February 14

My Funny Valentine

Can I just say DITTO?

I can't tell you how many times I nodded while reading this. I'll just say,
I can TOTALLY relate with the "bend and fuss", the pooping, and the nipples.

You'll have to actually read it to get what I'm talking about.

Wednesday, February 11

Justin's First Dr. Appt.

The little butterball now weighs 9lbs 2 oz. He's healthy, beautiful, and all is looking great.

Sunday, February 8

My little butterball

Did I mention I have a new man in my life?
He smells just as yummy as he looks. For real.

Updates on Justin:
Plastibell has fallen off and is healing well (only 6 days after circ!)
belly button is almost healed and on its way as well.

Updates on mommy:
back to pre-pregnancy weight! Gotta love breastfeeding...
sleeping on my tummy again feels WONDERFUL
already ordered my new shipment of Gevalia Coffees...I missed my morning cup of hazelnut creme!
Pedicure and haircut on the way!

Friday, February 6

I can't get enough of him!

He smells so sweet, and he smiles in his sleep! He's got dimples on each cheek, he poops up a storm, and he sleeps entirely too much -when all I want to do is stare at him all day. I know I'm on a baby high, but seriously...I just can't get enough of him!

Maddie and Justin

Thursday, February 5

He's Here!

After all that complaining I did, he was still just one day late!

Justin Presley
Jan. 31 @ 3:42 PM
8 lbs 14 oz
21 inches