Baby Makes Five


Thursday, January 29

2 centimeters dilated!

Went to the Dr.'s yesterday and discovered I am now 2 centimeters dilated. I'm trying to keep optimistic because in exactly two days my baby will be over due. Overdue means I will likely be induced, which in turn means there is a higher risk of c-section involved. I'm not too thrilled about that.

After the exam my Dr. said that I might have some spotting, and this morning I did. I'm a little confused as to wether or not it is from the exam itself or if it could be the "bloody show" that everyone talks about. I called this morning and told the nurse and she basically said that if it was a one time spotting thing it was most likely from the exam, but if it continued I should come in. So now I'm praying for more blood.

Last night I had the worst stomach ache imaginable. I threw up and felt awful, and I am hoping this too is another sign of impending labor. That's all the baby news for now. I'll keep posting!

Sunday, January 25

Baby blues

Last night, I was having contractions that began at about 10 mins. apart. and continued until they were about 7-8 mins. apart. For the most part, I didn't want to get excited or even post anything about it, because I've had that false alarm before; still I began to get a little hopeful... will tonight be the night?...will I be holding my new little person at this time two days from now?...

Needless to say, they dwindled off once again, and are non-existent at this point. : ( I can't explain how it makes me feel, I can't quite put my finger on it. I just know that everytime I try to put the impending labor out of my mind for a bit to make time go a little faster, something happens that makes me question every little pain I feel and it makes the days SOOOOO much longer.

I know it sounds so petty to everyone else because it's like Hello, you've waited THIS long, how bad can a few more days be? Logically, I know this. Emotionally, I can't seem to grasp it.

Baby- please, please get here soon!

Saturday, January 24

A conversation from the past...

me: Oh no, this time I'm definitely getting a bikini wax and a pedicure right before I go into labor. I have seen what a live birth looks like sans shaving. It ain't purty...

friend: lol How will you know when to do it? what if you go early?

me: I'm figuring if I do it by Jan. 20 I'll be safe. I can always go back and do it again if he's not here by then.

friend: I have a feeling he will be here before the 20th for some reason.

me: really? I hope so, but as far as my plans go, in the event I start feeling funny before Jan. 20 I'll go get that stuff done then. I will not be caught off guard!

Fast forward to Jan. 24th.
no baby, no bikini wax, no pedicure, NO CARE!

Thursday, January 22

Fingertip Dilated!

That's the news on the baby front for today. I guess something IS going on in there.