Baby Makes Five


Wednesday, March 31

New Commenting implemented!

I noticed that some of my visitors were having problems with my old comment I changed to another provider, Haloscan. Hopefully this one will work. I'm sorry that all my comments were deleted, but thank you all for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon.


We did it.

Or I should say, we got through it. We took Yummy to get his very first shots today, *sigh. It was tough and stressful. Four shots. Two in each pudgie little leg. My poor little angel screamed and turned purple as I held his little arms and quietly sobbed with him. He cried for a little while and I nursed him until he calmed down. He's been sleeping since, with just one feeding in between. The appt. was at 9:30am. It is now 5:48pm. The Dr. said he would get fussy, feverish, or sleepy or any combination of the three. So far, no fever. Just sleepy. I can tell his little leg still hurts because when I changed his diaper, he cried when I had to move his leg to remove his onesie. Poor little guy.

It was a rough day.
He is exactly two months old today.

Update: Justin's still doing ok, no signs of fever...I even got some smiles as I changed his diaper! He still seems very sleepy.
In my previous worried state, I forgot to mention that my little sweetie weighed 13 pounds and 4 ounces! I KNEW he was getting bigger, but 4 pounds and 2 ounces bigger??!! WOW.

Saturday, March 27

I HAD to have that coffee yesterday, didn't I?

Last night wasn't such a good night for Yummy. He was fussy all night and kept looking for more milk than I had left, so he was frustrated a lot. I didn't want to give him more water, because I had already given him the two ounces earlier. He just didn't get much sleep the poor little thing. Thankfully, this morning I guess from yesterday's whole supply and demand crisis, I was engorged and able to feed him plenty before he was full and knocked out in my arms. At least now he will be able to get some rest. (which is what he is now doing)

Amanda is going to her friend's house for a sleep over and Joey and I are thinking that we might do something tonight. Not sure what though, cause movies are definitely out of the question. I bet he would sleep through a whole movie too, if I had him in the snuggly, but I just don't want to take the chance and spoil the movie for everyone else.

I've been insatiably hungry lately. I don't know what it is. According to my scale I haven't gained anything, but I do eat/snack ALOT. I'm always craving sweet/salty/crunchy stuff. All the stuff that's bad for me ofcourse. I guess it's the breastfeeding.
Anyway, I hear the baby fussing right now, better check on him.

Friday, March 26


Justin is still sleeping through the night. I kept thinking that maybe I was having a good couple of nights, but thankfully he's been consistently sleeping 8+ hours every night.

He's already outgrown the 8-12 lbs. diapers he wore as a new* newborn, now he wears 12-14lbs big boy diapers. His next appt. is on the 31st and I can't wait to see how much weight he's gained. His leggies and arms are so plump, and adorable!

The dissapearing/reappearing rash is currently... well, dissapeared. I am still not 100% sure if this last breakout was due to the hot fries or not, but I'm not taking any chances...although, they are calling my name.

Today, he drank his first *ever 2oz of water. I nursed the little butterball on each side until there wasn't any milk left, and he still kept looking for more. I tried the pacifier but he just kept spitting it out. So I gave him the two ounces of water, and it seemed to do the trick. He fell right asleep in the swing.
Well, I'm off to do some tinkering with graphics!

Tuesday, March 23

The rash is back.
Grr. I think it was the hot fries. Never again will I eat HOT FRIES!!
My poor baby :(

Saturday, March 20

Looking for cute?

Well, too bad. This little guy has taken up all the cute in the world for himself!

Friday, March 12

Justin Slept through the night!
I went to bed right after watching the Apprentice and Justin fell asleep shortly after that. It wasn't until almost 6am that I had to wake him up because I felt like his diaper was probably soaked!
He is such a good boy.

Saturday, March 6

Baby Update

My poor baby has an awful rash all over his face. I'm trying to figure out wether it's something I've eaten, or if it's something that is irritating his skin. I'm thinking it's something I ate because it is only appearing on his face and if it was detergent or fabric softener or something like that, it would be all over his little body.

It seems to clear up and come back on it's own with no rhyme or reason. I'm so puzzled by it. I hope it goes away soon. I want to see his precious little face back to normal.